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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Quality Assurance QA Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

► Question: Can you describe the various responsibilities and roles of a quality engineer?
Answer: Discuss here not only quality control, QA tests, and monitoring of various kinds (materials, products, electrical systems), but also other related tasks that a QA engineer might be responsible for: improvement processes, quality-oriented staff training, and quality-related customer services.
► Question: Describe your previous interactions with customers. How do you handle customer complaints?
Answer: Quality engineers can serve as the link between customers and suppliers. When a customer complains about product quality, the engineer must then solve the problem between the customer, the company, and its affiliates, including material and parts suppliers. Briefly describe some interesting problems that you have successfully tackled.
► Question: Did you ever undertake staff training and instruction on Quality Assurance? 
Answer: Training and instruction of staff regarding quality issues is sometimes necessary as part of quality control. If you have any experience in this field, describe the specific reason and subject of training. Underscore, without arrogance, your accomplishments with the group.
► Question: What else, besides quality monitoring, can you suggest to ensure quality of materials and products?
 A basic procedure in quality engineering is Continuous Improvement. Describe involvement, method of data collection from observation and monitoring of production processes. Problem-solving skills are the key to success here and you will do well to mention your unique abilities in this area: Problems you solved, corrections you facilitated and improvements you initiated.
► Question: How effective would you say your team-playing skills are?
Answer: Quality Engineers interact with employees at all levels, from minor suppliers to organization management.
Describe a specific assignment where you had to use your communication skills, participate in a group endeavor or manage/lead a team. Discuss your routine communication with all levels of management, quality managers and inspectors, development engineering divisions, operations and QA testing staff.


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