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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

How to Present Yourself in an Interview and Impress the Interviewer ?

When you are in the process of preparing yourself for your job interview, one of key prep steps is practicing your interviewing performance and reshaping your presentation level in order to create the best positive impression on the interviewer.
Needless to say that, your mission in the interview is to present yourself as the perfect match for the job.
This article suggests you to follow two paths:
  1. Presenting your competencies
  2. Presenting your motivational level.
Competencies are the skills and knowledge one obtains as meander through professional and personal life.
If you succeed in keeping the interest of the interviewer to your career achievements, qualifications and overall skills/qualities, you will earn your first positive points as someone to be considered for the job. Great! You’ve passed the first selection criteria. But this is not enough.
Level of Motivation
In order that you stand out from the rest of the applicants, you’ll need another key feature to present – Your motivation.
Employers love motivated employees as they are invaluable to any organization – They are quick learners, enthusiastic, caring and often go beyond the call of their duty.
Motivated individuals develop their talent by their inner drive – They ask questions, volunteer and overcome obstacles.
On the other side, unmotivated people, even talents who lack the required motivation, are ineffectual. An unmotivated/talent employee is an oxymoron to the business.
Therefore, if you succeed in expressing your motivation level, you will create the best image of yourself.


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