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Friday, 9 October 2015

5 Things you should never say in a job interview

The number of job opportunities are growing every day, and so is the competition. If you're looking at a job interview, here are a few tips that will help you glide through the process. Know these five common things that you should never say in a job interview, and your chances of landing the job will increase manifold.
Top five things that you should avoid talking about in a job interview:
1. Don't sound unsure or under confident during your interview. Let the interviewer know that you're certain about your capabilities and assure them that by hiring you they're adding an asset to their organisation. For this, avoid asking for feedback during the interview- this is seen as being ineffective and insecure, and will most likely create a negative impression on your employer. Also, steer clear of unnecessary phrases such as 'I think', 'like', 'basically', etc., these interjectory phrases indicate that you can't improvise on the spot and make the interviewer question your intelligence and skills. Be self-assured and composed during the interview, as confidence is one of the major deciding factors in the employer hiring you.
2. Asking the interviewer as to how long will the interview take is sure to earn you negative points. It implies that this interview is not a priority for you, which is likely to turn the employer against hiring you. Strive to make the interviewer realise that getting this job is your main aim and that working with them is important to you.
3. If you ask the interviewer what does his/her company do, you're likely to walk out without an offer in your hand. Knowing the firm inside out, and learning about its workings before the interview is something that every employer expects of a potential candidate. If you're not aware about the organisation you want to work with, it makes them question your sincerity and level of interest in the job. Being well informed about the firm assures the employer that you've done your research and are serious about the job.
4. Don't jump to the discussion about money too soon. You should remember that you require the job more than the organisation needs to hire you. So, it is essential that first you establish that you are capable of meeting their requirements, and only then move on to the topic of salary. If you discuss the money aspect in the beginning itself, the interviewer will lose interest and you may end up with a poorer deal. Further, it shows that you care about the organisation if you put its needs before yours.
5. It's never a good idea to tell your interviewer that you want to own a business in the future. Organisations side-step candidates who they feel will leave the company after learning all the tricks of the trade. Though aspiring to become an entrepreneur is good for your career growth, it goes against any company's requirement. They see it as training their future competition, and also the possibility of their internal information being made public. Thus, it's best if you don't discuss your business aspirations with your employer.


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